Thursday, December 16, 2010

Natural remedy for pain DENTAL

Natural remedy for pain DENTAL, these are natural ingredients to cure toothache, tooth pain is caused by a worm gear that causes cavities. various tooth pain from toothache and a sharp, throbbing, up to a constant. Below are some natural remedies that can cure the sick TEETH. Garlic. Puree the garlic cloves and a little coarse salt and place it on the affected part. As a precaution, chew a clove of garlic every morning.
. Shallots

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Natural cure for kidney disease

Natural remedy for kidney pain, kidney pain can be cured with natural medicine from nature, Mustache cat is a cure for kidney stone pain. Causes of kidney stone pain is very common, and when the stones were passed, causing severe pain in the back and sides. There are several causes of kidney stones, including congenital disorder that causes too much calcium is absorbed from food and infections or urinary tract disorders.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Natural cure TB (Tubercolusa)

Natural medicine Tubercolusa TB, TB disease can be cured with herbs and natural ingredients, TB or an extension of the Tubercolusa is a disease that causes sufferers experience shortness of breath. cough, and body become emaciated. These are some recipes and natural ingredients for the sick with TB.
a. Several pieces of young leaf shoots (such as bitter melon but his skin had spots). b. 1 cup fennel pulosari, c. 2 tablespoons brown sugar. How to make a potion: 1. Enter anom leaf and fennel pulosari into a pot that had contained water.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Natural cure lung disease

natural cure lung diseases, these are some traditional medicinal plants to cure illness of the lungs and all kinds of diseases. Petai China was indeed much use other than for mixed dishes were petai China also has huge benefits for our health and can cure lung disease.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Aids can be treated with natural medicines.

Aids can be treated with natural medicines. AIDS (acquire immunodeficiency syndrome) is an immune deficiency disease, other causes of AIDS disease is a frequent change of partners and have sex with many women or men. People with AIDS will look thin and weak because their immune systems ravaged by the HIV virus.

Coconut oil is one natural cure for aids disease, research results show that MCFA, namely lauric acid and capric acid, can kill HIV in culture in the laboratory.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

natural cure sick Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with Tripang / gamat.

Natural cure sick Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with Tripang / gamat. One alternative treatment of diabetes mellitus is by sea cucumbers Gold G (extract teriapng / gamat). Based on the results of research in various universities around the world, found that sea cucumbers are highly efficacious as a medicine as an antiseptic for sore versatile traditional and Diabetes Mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) also known as diabetes or blood sugar is a group of chronic disease marked by high blood sugar levels as a result of disruption in the body's metabolic system, where the organ pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin needed by the body.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Natural remedy to cure cancer.

Natural remedy to cure cancer. Cancer is a disease that is very difficult to cure, but do not be afraid of cancer can be cured with natural remedies without chemicals, Belowis natural ingredients to cure cancer include: Gathering mango / white turmeric (Curcuma Alba), Jombang (Taraxicum Mongolicum), Pearl Grass ( Hedyotis corymbosa), lote Upas (Marremia Mammosa), Keladi Tikus (Thyphonium Flagelliforme), Crown Gods (Phaleria macrocarpa), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Life (Gynura procumbens), Leaf Links Dewa (Gynura segetum).

Natural Cure For Diarrhea

Natural Cure Diarrhea, Almost everyone has experienced diarrhea. Actually diarrhea is just the way the body cleanse the digestive system caused by the entry of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria from food or drink that is less secure cleanliness, eating foods that are too spicy, allergic reactions and poisoning, digestive disturbances, is doing detoxification, stress, depression. Diarrhea is a symptom of a bowel movement with out the dirt that is very soft or liquid form that took place several times a day, followed by abdominal pain.

Natural Cure Asthma.

Asthma Natural Medicine, traditional medicine to cure asthma. These asthma medications are mixed from traditional natural ingredients that are beneficial for the asthma medication does not contain chemicals, natural remedy asthma is useful to cure asthma, shortness of breath, and respiratory disorders.

asthma drug composition consisting of cubeb, cardamom, muju, etc.100% of natural ingredients. asthma drug name is Asma extract capsules. I hope this article useful to readers.