Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Natural Cure For Diarrhea

Natural Cure Diarrhea, Almost everyone has experienced diarrhea. Actually diarrhea is just the way the body cleanse the digestive system caused by the entry of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria from food or drink that is less secure cleanliness, eating foods that are too spicy, allergic reactions and poisoning, digestive disturbances, is doing detoxification, stress, depression. Diarrhea is a symptom of a bowel movement with out the dirt that is very soft or liquid form that took place several times a day, followed by abdominal pain.

The composition of natural medicine for diarrhea disease is shown below.
Strong tea is drunk while warm to help resolve diarrhea.
All you can do

* A lot of very good drinking water to avoid dehydration. Try to drink sugar-salt solution (ORS) that can be purchased at pharmacies, or drink strong tea while warm. Better yet, when tea was given a little salt and sugar so quickly absorbed by the body.

* Mash the young leaves of cayenne pepper, then add a little whiting. Boreh this mixture into the stomach to relieve the pain.

* If the abdominal pain due to poisoning, drinking water immediately a young green coconut.
Source: Nirmala Magazine


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