Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Natural cure for kidney disease

Natural remedy for kidney pain, kidney pain can be cured with natural medicine from nature, Mustache cat is a cure for kidney stone pain. Causes of kidney stone pain is very common, and when the stones were passed, causing severe pain in the back and sides. There are several causes of kidney stones, including congenital disorder that causes too much calcium is absorbed from food and infections or urinary tract disorders.

Polycystic kidney disease is kidney disease the most common ancestry. The disease is characterized from the enlarged diginjal cyst formation and can cause serious kidney damage and can even cause kidney failure.

Lack of clean water supply makes the kidney shortage of liquid, so that it absorbs water from blood. Substances that should not be absorbed, into the kidney and form crystals that block the deposition of toxic waste from the body. The stones include oxalate stones, uric stones and stone cysteine.
The stones can cause bloody urine, difficulty urinating and kidney failure that can lead to death. In Indonesia there are about 50,000 patients with kidney failure, and only 4,000 people who perform dialysis. This is because dialysis is quite expensive and must be done regularly every few days.
Cats whiskers have been long used as a laxative urinary stones and kidney stones. Cat's whiskers are anti-inflammatory and smooth the urine. Ortosifonin and salt content of potassium (especially the leaves), is a key component that helps the dissolution of uric acid, phosphate, and oxalate in the human body, especially the bladder, gall and kidney, which can prevent the occurrence of kidney stone deposition. Potassium in the cat's whiskers efficacious diuretic (urination expedite) and solvent ureter stones, while sinensetin efficacious antibacterial. The content of saponins and tannins in the leaves was also able to treat vaginal discharge.
Plants Cats Whisker (Orthosipon aristatus BI. Miq.) Probably derived from Tropical Africa region, then spread into the Georgia (Caucasus), Cuba, Asia, and Australia Tropic. Cats Whisker further spread in Asia including, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. This plant also has several regional names. In the area of Sunda for example, cat whiskers known as Jokot Singkir. In Java, cat whiskers called Remujung. In English, cat whiskers referred to as Java Tea, Kidney Tea Plants.
Cats Whisker is one commodity that is traded fitofarmaka international scale to commodity exports. While in Indonesia, cat whiskers are widely used as raw materials for herbal medicine.
Cultivation of this plant is fairly easy, it should be noted that the Mustang Cat grows well in areas with rainfall over 3,000 mm / year. When in areas with rainfall of less than 1,000 mm / year, then Mustang Cat will grow stunted, wilt, and dry. And he needs the air temperature 20-30 degrees Celsius, open place with no shade so as not to reduce its active ingredient. Altitude ideally ranges from 500-1200 meters above sea level. (From various sources - Red)


Anonymous said...

It is vital to drink enough fluid during the day. Plain bottled water is best. However dont over do it, drinking too much water can flush all the sodium out of your body>

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